The images break down the story into bite-sized scenes and help people visualize how it will come to life. The next few scenes would portray her eating different porridges with a sour look on her face, followed by a drawing with her eating yet another bowl of porridge, this time with a smile. Think of the classic parable, “Goldilocks and the Three Bears.” If you were to create a storyboard for this tale, perhaps the first panel would show Goldilocks looking a little worse for wear in front of the bears’ house. They are generally used to map out how a script or story will look once it is animated or acted out, but people utilize them for a variety of situations.

A storyboard is a graphic portrayal of a narrative, concept, or script, divided into sequential scenes (panels). So: what is a storyboard? Let’s get started! 1.

Or, maybe it brings to mind a flurry of sketches tacked to a wall surrounded by creative types squinting at them with lowered brows, fingers stroking visible-and invisible-beards as they analyze the work in front of them.
Perhaps you’ve heard the term “storyboard” before from a character in a glamorous (and incredibly unrealistic) movie portrayal of an advertising agency.